CHC50113 - Diploma of Early
Childhood Education and Care (Old Package)
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (Old Package)
Is superseded by CHC50121 – Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Major changes to the Qualification structure and content include the introduction of entry requirements to reflect sector requirements.
Qualification Description
This qualification reflects the role of early childhood educators who are responsible for designing and implementing curriculum in early childhood education and care services. In doing so they work to implement an approved learning framework within the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations and the National Quality Standard.
They may have responsibility for supervision of volunteers or other staff.
Under the Education and Care Services National Law (2011) the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) publishes lists of approved early childhood education and care qualifications and information regarding regulatory requirements here:
From 1 July 2022 the core unit HLTAID004 must no longer be delivered and will be replaced in the Packaging Rules by the unit HLTAID012 – for more information see:
Packaging Rules
Total number of units 28
23 core units
5 elective units, consisting of:
at least 2 must be selected from the elective units listed below
up to 3 units may be selected from any endorsed Training Packages or accredited courses relevant to the work outcome
Core units
CHCDIV002 – Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
CHCECE001 – Develop cultural competence
CHCECE002 – Ensure the health and safety of children
CHCECE003 – Provide care for children
CHCECE004 – Promote and provide healthy food and drinks
CHCECE005 – Provide care for babies and toddlers
CHCECE007 – Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
CHCECE009 – Use an approved learning framework to guide practice
CHCECE016 – Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for children
CHCECE017 – Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the child in early childhood
CHCECE018 – Nurture creativity in children
CHCECE019 – Facilitate compliance in an education and care services
CHCECE020 – Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour
CHCECE021 – Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children
CHCECE022 – Promote children’s agency
CHCECE023 – Analyse information to inform learning
CHCECE024 – Design and implement the curriculum to foster children’s learning and development
CHCECE025 – Embed sustainable practices in service operations
CHCECE026 – Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children
CHCLEG001 – Work legally and ethically
CHCPRT001 – Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
HLTAID004- Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
*HLTAID012 – Provide First Aid in an education and care setting (must be delivered from 1 July 2022)
HLTWHS003 – Maintain work health and safety
Elective units
CHCDIV001 – Work with diverse people
CHCINM002 – Meet community information needs
CHCMGT003 – Lead the work team
CHCPOL002 – Develop and implement policy
CHCPOL003 – Research and apply evidence to practice
CHCPRP003 – Reflect on and improve own professional practice
CHCSAC005 – Foster the holistic development and wellbeing of the child in school age care
BSBINN502 – Build and sustain an innovative work environment
BSBLED401 – Develop teams and individuals
BSBMGT605 – Provide leadership across the organisation
BSBSUS501 – Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
PSPMNGT605B – Manage diversity